Thank you very much for creating this app. It helped me a lot in developping other apps. Very precise logs and super visualization.
Thank you very much for creating this app. It helped me a lot in developping other apps. Very precise logs and super visualization.
Its really bad
The function and interface of this software is pretty good, but the output data should always be sent out by email, that is a little inconvenient. if the csv file could be read in screen immediately, it will more popular. There is reading from magnetic field sensor in screen, I believe it wiser to add its data also in the optional lists for outputting. Thank you for your creation!
Overall, not a bad app. Easily logs and output raw data from sensors, as well as plotting on screen. One feature which I would REALLY like to see is the ability to set the limits of the y-scale of the plots. Small fluctuations are impossible to read due to the large limits of the y-scale.
I paid for a different program with less features. Please add the ability to run in the background!
Perfect as a recording tool using all the motion sensors as input, with output that can be sent anywhere by email. To be even better, it could capture even more input from different sensors (dB, ambient light, proximity...) but no complaints.
All I see when I load it is a black, blank screen. Needs work. iPhone 6+
The app works well on the newer iPhones/iPods, but it gets a little harsh on older phones (iPhone 4/4s)
Sensor dataなど他にも何種類かデータロガーがあるが、これは姿勢角を記録出来る点が秀逸。周波数も適度だし実用性は十分。データの取出しがメールのみなので、メーラーの容量制限(1MB)を超えないよう注意は必要だが、記録停止後すぐに次の記録が出来るのでストレスは少ない。機内モードだとGPSまで切れて緯度経度高度が取れなくなるのが、個別に3G,WiFi,Bluetoothを切れば回避できる。
What is CL stand for in the app? Is that the GPS output?
I was looking for a newer version of Sensor Kinetics, and gave this a download because the developer had the same name as a prof Id met in Germany, and his website had a video filmed in the mountains near this Uni. Turns out it wasnt the same guy, but the app is cool nonetheless. If you ever were curious about what your phone is thinking about, this illuminates everything. I was interested in barometer readings, but this app included not only the barometer, but also a bunch of other things. The visualization isnt as good as SensorKinetics - only a few seconds are shown on the screen. Luckily, Im accustomed to data processing and options are good for that. Bottom line: Might not be so great for non-"computer people"; perfect if you come to the table with a dash of tech-savvy.
Works as advertised. More powerful than I will use in the near future. A role model for app development.
Does exactly what it sets out to do and does it very well. If you are doing anything with CoreMotion or CoreLocation you need this app. We were able to get logged data into our prototype quick and easy using the data from this app. My only concern is how to deal with log files that grow to file sizes that exceed the maximum supported by email. I havent run into this yet but Im keeping it in mind. Integration with the DropBox app might be a good solution to that problem.
Love this app, works with my new iPod touch 4g
Pretty much works and sends files as described. Currently on my iPad, the gyro and core display screens are blank. Im not sure if I need to configure or if this is an ipad2 feature. Either way its still cool. Thanks.
Overall great app, how about a "purchased" version without the advertisements?
Reinstalled this app with "location allowed" and Magnetometer started to work. All works as expected. Great app!
Whenever you leave the app your recording stops. Not so useful on a phone when you get a text message or other notification that requires you to leave the app. Otherwise, for the feature set and the price its the best out there!
The app does what it says effectively. However, I would offer the following suggestions to improve it. Latitude and longitude frequency maxes out about about 1 Hz. Gathering the information more frequently is rather pointless other than to keep all the data flat. There may be issues emailing very large logs. Suggest adding Dropbox functionality. Logging halts if app stops being a foreground app. This is a very big limitation. It would be nice to change the scale of the graphs. It would be nice to be able to graph the entire data set. It would be nice to save and send graphs. It would be nice to use alternate units, such as kph or mph instead of mps. But, of course, that data would no longer be raw.
On an ipod touch 2nd generation, only the accelerator sensors supplied data. All of the other sensors were blank.